Lab members Kai Sun and Jiyeon Kim receive ICA Scholarship and Student Presentation Award

At the 2024 CaGIS+UCGIS Symposium, lab member Kai Sun received the ICA Scholarship from the International Cartographic Association (ICA). The ICA Scholarship is awarded to “support early career scholars and professionals in advancing their career in cartography and GIScience.” Kai also made a poster presentation, “GALLOC: A GeoAnnotator for Labeling LOCation descriptions from disaster-related text messages”, at UCGIS.

Kai Sun receiving the ICA Scholarship.

Lab member Jiyeon Kim made an oral presentation, “Assessing the ability of deep learning models integrated with environmental and weather variables for predicting fire spread: A case study of the 2023 Maui wildfires.” Jiyeon’s presentation received the 3rd Place Award in the Student Presentation Competition.

3rd Place Student Paper Award received by Jiyeon Kim
GeoAI Lab members at the 2024 CaGIS + UCGIS Symposium.